Low-altitude economy on cusp of takeoff

Technicians install and debug a newly developed vertical takeoff and landing drone at a workshop in Hohhot economic and technological development zone in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, on Feb 28. DING GENHOU/FOR CHINA DAILY

China's low-altitude economy, a strategic emerging sector that is key to developing new quality productive forces, is poised to fly high following its inclusion in the Government Work Report for two consecutive years now.

This year's Government Work Report, which was delivered on March 5 at the annual session of the 14th National People's Congress, the country's top legislature, once again reiterated that China will encourage low-altitude industry players to carry out large-scale applications of new technologies, products and scenarios.

According to the report, the government will promote the safe and healthy development of emerging industries such as commercial aerospace and the low-altitude economy.

Meanwhile, the State Council — China's Cabinet — issued a special action plan to boost consumption earlier this month. According to the guideline, the government will support the accelerated development of new types of consumption.

Specifically, the guideline said that the government would speed up the supervision system for the low-altitude economy, and encourage the orderly development of low-altitude consumption, such as low-altitude tourism, air sports and consumer drones.


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