2.人间这一趟,我翻山越岭为自己而来。On this earth, I've come for myself over the mountains
4.在心里种上鲜花,自己的人生才不会荒芜。Plant flowers in the heart, their life will not be deserted.
6.山高路远,看世界也寻找自己。The mountain is far away, and the world looks for itself
7.不漂亮又怎样?我的青春不应该被定义。So what? My youth should not be defined.
8.山前山后都会有风,有风无风都自由。There will be wind in front of the mountain and behind the mountain
10.不需要去释怀,我要风水轮流转。I don't need to let go, I want to take turns.
11.你前路坦坦荡荡,你又何必要回头。You've gone ahead, so why should you turn back.
13.沉默和睡觉是我逃避一切的唯一办法。Silence and sleep are the only way I can escape everything.
14.做无名的一朵小花,做一只快乐的小狗Be a nameless little flower, be a happy little dog
- 陪自己长大是一件很酷的正经事。Growing up with yourself is a cool thing to do
16.能开心的话,当一个笨蛋也没有关系。If you can be happy, it's okay to be a fool.
17.心怀浪漫的宇宙,也要珍惜人间日常Love the romantic universe, but also cherish the human daily life
18.没有谁的幸运会凭空而来。No one's luck comes out of nowhere